To be the premier provider of mental health services in central Iowa
Our caring providers make the difference.
Get to know our experienced, professional providers by reading their profiles.
Telehealth Appointments
We are currently doing appointments both in person or by video.
It is important to note that not all insurance plans include coverage for telehealth services. It is your responsibility to contact your insurance provider to understand your telehealth coverage and let our office know if you are covered or not.
If you have arranged to have a telehealth appointment, the link to join your appointment is below. To join your session, click on the link after your providers name at the time of your appointment and follow the prompts.
The preferred internet browsers are Google Chrome or Firefox and make sure you have a strong internet connection.
Lisa Dittmer https://doxy.me/lisadittmer
Lisa Little https://doxy.me/lisalittle
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Randall Kavalier https://doxy.me/drkavalier
Mark Kloberdanz https://doxy.me/markkloberdanz
Nicole Kirby https://doxy.me/nicolekirby
Keri Racette https://doxy.me/keriracette
John Bigelow https://doxy.me/johnrbigelow
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